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Biodiversity Conservation

Biodiversity is a state or attribute of a site or area and specifically refers to the variety within and among living organisms, assemblages of living organisms, biotic communities, and biotic processes, whether naturally occurring or modified by humans. Biodiversity can be measured in terms of genetic diversity and the identity and number of different species, assemblages of species, biotic communities, and biotic processes, and the amount (e.g., abundance, biomass, cover, rate) and the structure of each. It can be observed and measured at any spatial scale ranging from microsites and habitat patches to the entire biosphere. (D. DeLong. 1996. ADefining Biodiversity,@ Wildlife Society Bulletin, 24(4):738-749)

Green Network of Vojvodina actively protects environment and promotes principles of sustainable production and consumption:

  • Green Network of Vojvodina lead with many campaigns for protection of environment: "Sačuvajmo Ledinačko jezero!" "Stop spalionici smeća!", "Zaštitimo Carsku Baru!"
  • GNV is active in international programs for protection and revitalization of biodiversity - GNV signed Declaration Countdown 2010
  • GNV is a member of varios international forums for sustainable development - representatives of GNV was on World Summit in Johanesburg 2002 and "Environment for Europe", 2007. held in Belgrade

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