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Sustainable Agriculture

"Sustainable Development is the management and conservation of the natural resource base, and the orientation of technological and institutional change in such a manner as to ensure the attainment and continued satisfaction of human needs for present and future generations. Such sustainable development (in the agriculture, forestry, and fisheries sectors) conserves land, water, plant and animal genetic resources, is environmentally non-degrading, technically appropriate, economically viable and socially acceptable." (This definition was adopted in 1989 by FAO, according to the FAO Trainer’s Manual, Vol. 1, "Sustainability issues in agricultural and rural development policies," 1995)

Organic agriculture is a controlled, certified and rounded up system of food production which involves environmental principles and agricultural practice. By obeying the laws of nature, it rationally utilises natural resources and by using the agri-biotechnological measures it preserves the biodiversity, especially genetic resources, the environment and people's health. The basic goal of the organic agriculture is to produce quality food using the holistic approach. This food is typical of the variety and species; food that meets the health safety standards necessary for the balanced diet. Food and provisions that have been organically produced have no residues of synthetic pesticides, heavy metals, additives, antibio­tics and hormones. It is food with a reduced level of nitrates and nitrites, without the microbiological contamination and without genetically modified organisms. Organic production requires the application of good hygienic and sanitary measures because the diseases caused by dirty hands are more often than not dangerous and leave more tragic consequences than certain chemical contaminations.

The control of organic food 'from the field to your dining room' and the system of certifying the production guarantee the consumers that the food is safe to consume. The aspect of the influences of organic agriculture on the preservation of the environment plays an especially important role. That is why the slogan <b>"Organic agriculture - Good for You, Good for Nature!"</b> marks the interaction and the unbreakable bond between man and nature, so typical of organic agriculture. Having said that, organic production emphasises honest relations to work, good intentions, camaraderie among the organic producers, but also their understanding of the laws of nature. Producers of organic food are, as a rule, extraordinary people - they often donate food and participate in many humanitarian activities. Such are our producers at My Farm Farmers` Market.

Green Network of Vojvodina supports and promotes sustainable agriculture and rural development

• Since 2004. organized Farmer`s Market "My Farm"

• Since 2007. GNV opened the very first Farmer`s Shop "My Farm" which works according to fair trade principles

• Supports more than 60 organic farmers

• Promotes good agriculture practices, tradional and organic farming

• Educates farmers

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